Best Quotes are those that have value and have the power to touch others’ lives. That’s why we post quotes at Offline Thinker on an almost regular basis. They are mostly written by our writer friends and some by well-renowned personalities.
Here, we present you the Best Quotes of all time (on a random list) published at Offline Thinker so far.
Top 10 Best Quotes of all time at Offline Thinker
- Cages bird could still sing the glory; if it sings freely the glory to be free. –Sushant Thapa
- Dreams are precious, so are the dreamers. -@chazy_rowssun
- What you make is what makes you. –Ananta Gurung
- His memory was lost but she was always there for him to bring his memories. –Sabina Karki
- A girl gets raped and a male gets blamed but it’s not the man who is always wrong, it’s a man who always has the wrong intention. –Muskan Pandey
- You are a diamond, know your worth! –Ashoo Agarwal
- ‘What do you miss the most about him?’ Someone asked on his death anniversary.‘His ever-growing presence.’ I replied. –Muskan Pandey
- An enemy with a rifle is better than a friend with envy.’ –Secret Thinker
- Frame your failure, success will be sweeter. –JR
- Never let your fear decide your future. –Secret Thinker
Best Quotes at Offline Thinker
Firstly, presenting to you top 20 best quotes of all time published at Offline Thinker
- Work on it, you will achieve it. – Shravan Luitel
- Be kind to yourself. Be yourself. –Secret Thinker
- Stop grieving your past, time heals everything! –Sarita Neupane
- Sometimes, you make it impossible to breathe. –Priyanka Mahat
- Re-adjust, re-focus, and restart. Your life will take off. – Ashoo Agrawal
- Let go or hold. It’s your choice. –Sadikshya Sharma
- Let me love first before loving someone. –Rojina Chaulagain
- One single action can make big difference. –Sudip Chaudhary
- Selfless love can meld the broken soul. – Sabina Karki
- Tension simply is another name of laziness. – Niraj Itani
- You know everything, nothing left to say. –Roshan Sapkota
- Silence sometimes kills, but whose it depends. –Sadikshya Sharma
- Every perfection story holds on imperfection learning. –Rojina Chaulagain
- Attempt for the best version of yourself. –Susmita Phuyal
- When everything falls apart, you find yourself. –Samikshya Shukla
- Use time wisely! Success will surely happen. –Ashoo Agarwal
- Be smart. But not the over one. –Bibek Bhandari
- Knowledge is deep…more is always less! –Ashoo Agarwal
- Get this, life is not always fair. –Swikar Sita Bhattarai
- Live for your own, no matter what. –Avash Khatiwada
These Quotes are written by Offline Thinker writers on a quote writing challenge that was conducted a few months earlier. Similarly, some quote writer’s names are named as Secret Thinker so as to keep their names secret.
- Accept the presence of the dead among the living. –Sandip Bhujel
- Fall, just make me free, not stronger. –Sanjeeb Shrestha
- In the end, all you have is yourself. –Suprabha Bhusal
- Stupid me, thinking I was good enough. –Priyanka Mahat
- Live like a leader, till you survive. –Sushma RL Shahi
- Kindness spend on self is the gift itself! –Ashoo Agarwal
- Talent plus hard work is equal to success. –Bibek Bhandari
- I could not resist when I first met his eyes, there was definitely something special which brought the feelings of my heart into my lips with excitement and joys. –Muskan Pandey
- Even in unfairness, fight like a warrior. –Ashoo Agarwal
- Your goodnight texts are my sleeping pills. –Susan Chaudhary
41. A wise man never starts an argument. –Secret Thinker
42. Always end the day with positive thoughts. –Secret Thinker
43. Be new, cause being old sucks. –JR
44. Be happy with what you have now. –Sharavan Luitel
45. Persistence, dedication, discipline wins more than luck. –Ashoo Agarwal
46. Words build relationships; do use them positively. –Ashoo Agarwal
47. Nothing lasts forever, not even your tears. –Roshan Sapkota
48. Sometimes simplest words can heal our soul. –Ritika KC
49. You don’t choose a passion, passion chooses you. –Roshan Raj Ghimire
50. Be like the sun, explode inside & shine outside. –Subash Dahal
Above mentioned quotes are the top 50 best quotes. In these following 50, find other 50 quotes to inspire you with positivity and gratitudeness.
51. Regardless of the outcome, give your best! –Ashoo Agarwal
52. Vibes don’t lie, disconnect bad energy immediately. –Situ Manandhar
53. Find joy in sorrow- Life will change. –Secret Thinker
54. Maybe you were right, my smile is beautiful. –Shravan Luitel
55. Words have the power to heal, use them. –Secret Thinker
56. Maybe one day you’ll enjoy beautiful sunsets with her, your hands on hers, And I will be laughing at his jokes, his hands on mine, And maybe one day, just maybe, We won’t be in love anymore. –Nishu Shrestha
57. The broken mirror reminds my broken heart. –Shravan Luitel
58. Wondering about beauty? Look at the mirror. –Saira Ghimire
59. The day when I realized no one can love me the way he does, I genuinely felt his presence, and having felt his love, I found myself, I found my love forever. –Muskan Pandey
60. A boy who has been taught to respect all women in his life by his parents, be his mother, sister, friend, teacher, helpers, and neighbors, can never abuse a lady, sexually or emotionally. –Ashoo Agarwal.
61. Change isn’t always bad, it simply means you’re willing to try. –Amrita Nepal
62. Ignite your passions to open unlimited possibilities. –Ashoo Agarwal
63. I knew you were the one but I did let you go, I knew you loved you but didn’t let you know, I knew you were the only mine so I took you for granted, and after all this time you’re the only thing I’ve ever wanted. –Dilasha Acharya
64. Do your karma consciously and be aware that your actions today are like seeds, which will give you fruits according to the type you have sowed. –Ashoo Agarwal
65. Never make a decision when you’re too happy or too sad, because emotion often blurs your vision. –Amrita Nepal
66. Use Failures as stepping stones towards attaining your goals. –Ashoo Agarwal
67. When I heard his gentle voice, my heart pounded very fast, immediately paused for a second and a lamp of hope flickered in me! –Muskan Pandey
68. Life is not about perfection, it’s about assumed perfection. –Samuna Khadka
69. Accepting sorrows is necessary for a joyful living! –Ashoo Agarwal
70. Take all my money, lend me your happiness. –Susan Chaudhary
71. Choose wisely to become unique. –Ashoo Agarwal
72. Be hopeful during complications and be faithful for your triumph over it. –Sijan Shah
73. Dream! When you dream then only you can sketch your dream goal. –Sijan Shah
74. Focus on being productive rather than daydreaming! –Ashoo Agarwal
75. You helped me, I helped you, survive. –Saira Ghimire
76. Start taking small steps today and in no time you will reach the place you have always dreamed of being in. –Ashoo Agarwal
77. When we have to accept the apology we never received, we then realize the importance of ‘sorry’. –Anwesha Adhikari
78. Laugh at your confusion and smile through your tears, knowing everything will happen at a perfect time. –Ashoo Agarwal
79. I have few friends but tons of memories together. –Shravan Luitel
80. Except for exceptions, learn to accept everything else. –Sauzan Dhakal
81. Recharge yourself with positivity to live exuberantly. –Ashoo Agarwal
82. When your destiny paused, my dream started. –Shravan Luitel
83. When a true person makes you a part of their story, they will always keep you in their books of life so that whenever they open it, they can have a glimpse of you. –Ashoo Agarwal
84. Success happens to those who makes effort to step out of their comfort zone to embrace it. –Ashoo Agarwal
85. She said she loves me, but didn’t know ‘as a friend’ would be suffixed. –Shravan Luitel
86. Sometimes we do everything right but still, lose. –Priyanka Mahat
87. Flaws are truly beautiful when spotted in happiness and love, like a dimpled smile and a wounded heart. – Ashoo Agarwal
88. Maybe we listen to the old songs we used to in order to remember all the feelings we lost. –Abhinash Pandey
89. Sometimes, the villain in your life is you. –Secret Thinker
90. You make my world sparkle by just being in it. –Ashoo Agarwal
A quote is also a passage or statement repeated in several ways. In other words, quotes are important learnings and saying by people to emphasize their learning experiences.
91.Don’t try to fit in where you don’t belong. –Ashoo Agarwal
92. Let me fall in love once, then I’ll be your Romantic Writer, I promise..!! –Muskan Pandey
93. Every time I sit to write, I feel like I am good at speaking. –Susan Chaudhary
94. If you happen to remember me, give me a call. Don’t wait for my funeral. –Susan Chaudhary
95. I found light in the dark; within myself. –Secret Thinker
96. You make my world sparkle by just being in it. –Ashoo Agarwal
97. Don’t waste your time thinking about what others are thinking about you. –Secret Thinker
98. The irony of my life is that I can solve, help solve or find a way to solve everyone’s problem except mine. –Atul Dahal
99. Failure is the true scale for success. They let you know you. –Atul Dahal
100. Sometimes I write not because I feel happy about writing but to get distracted from my sadness. –Binisha Maharjan
At last, we would like to say that, these quotes are the best quotes among the published ones. Which quote did you like the most?
Share your favorite quote of all time in the comment section.
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