Before I Leave I Need To Tell You What You Mean To Me | Confession #101

Before I leave

Before I Leave I Need To Tell You What You Mean To Me

Dear xxxxxx,

I don’t know how to start. I don’t know what to write, so I’ll write whatever comes into my mind. I needed a lot of strength and courage to write this letter to you. So, I hope you won’t hate me after you read it.

            I never knew how much I would like you. Every morning when I saw your face, I used to feel revived and happy.  I wanted to talk to you and know you better. So, I started by giving chocolates.

            When we walked together on the excursion day, it felt like my dream had come true. You can’t imagine how nice it felt being with you, and walking beside you. The place seemed more beautiful and magical because of you.

            Then, the next day, I made that ‘thing’ out of pine leaves and gave it to you because it was hard for me to thank you directly.

            On my farewell, I tried to tell you how thankful I was and how nice I thought you were, but I did it very clumsily.

            After that, all the time I spent with you, it felt like I was in heaven. When I sat beside you the whole day on sport’s day, I felt happier. I never thought I would like you this much.

            I had very less time left, so I decided to spend more time with you, as much as I could. That is why I was always moving here and there trying to be near you.

            The Korean words on the first page of my notebook were all about you. At home, when I missed you, I listened to songs that reminded me of you. All the time in school, my eyes searched for you. A smile from you would light up my day and talking to you made it better. When I stood near you, my heart pounded very loudly [Dhuk…Dhuk.. Dhuk]

Actually, I started linking you from October 12th, one day before the annual school festival. I still remember how it felt when I first started talking to you. Each day was special, and unique, just because of you.

You dazzled me all the time.

Know you’ll never be mine and I’ll never be yours but I needed to let you know that you are a very special person to me.

            Before I leave I need to tell you what you mean to me.

            So, in short, before I leave I wanted to say:

I like you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. Thank you for giving me a place in your heart, thank you for being the first person to teach me how love feels like.

            And I’m sorry if I am the only one who feels like this. I’m sorry if you don’t like me and I’m sorry that I can’t stay with you, I have to leave.

            I wish I had a time machine.

            I know I shouldn’t do this, so, I’ll stop myself. But I thought my heart would only be at peace if you knew about my feelings. I promise, after you read this letter, I’ll stop my feelings.

            I want you to know that, although I wish I was your friend, I am more than happy to be your ‘chocolate buddy’. I’ll miss you a lot. I’ll never ever forget you. I hope, may be in the next life, I’ll get a chance to be your close friend. 😉

            Now you know the truth and I hope you won’t hate me for it. I am only doing what I have to do, before I leave.

            My mommy taught me to let people whom I loved know how much they meant to me, and that is what I am doing now. I wanted you to know how much I like you and how important you are to me. Thank You for your gifts, the letter and your chocolates. But most of all, thank you for being who you are, for being true..

            I’ll never forget you, I promise.

            I love you!!

Your chocolate buddy,

Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx

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