Shreeansha Bhattarai


Fame: Is it worth it? | Written by Shreeansha Bhattarai

Fame I am sure everybody has wondered what it is like to be on the other side of the screen. What it is like to be famous? But what is fame? If we are to refer to the dictionary, then it means “public estimation.” However, is fame limited only to the public opinion of an […]



ARE YOU DESTROYING YOUR CHILD’S PERFECT GREEN WORLD? Stop the unmanaged disposal of non-biodegradable products Your Support Matters; Protect our earth today for our kids tomorrow. HOW YOU? Waste is unwanted or unusable substances that are the byproducts of our day to day activities and needs. Waste is any substance that is discarded after primary […]

Nirmala Panta

3 Drops of Blood | Story by Shreeansha Bhattarai | Offline Thinker

3 Drops of Blood It is just another normal day. The sun is there bright and yellow, bleeding through the plain white netted curtains. The horrendous beeping of the alarm clock forces me out of the bliss of my covers and to step onto the hard and grey flooring. Making my way to the cold […]

Outside the Window | Shreeansha Bhattarai | Offline Thinker

Outside the Window The material that is being discussed in the classroom is lifeless. My eyes start drooping when my brain cannot handle the monotonous tone of the professor. Looking for a diversion, I glance outside the classroom window. The rough shaggy, blue-green grass spans out through the whole football field. The sea of blue […]

Benefits of Reading Books

6 Scientific Benefits of Reading Books: Why you should read more | Offline Thinker | By Shreeansha Bhattarai

Benefits of Reading Books When was the last time that you read a book or a magazine article? Does reading for you center on tweets, Facebook posts or directions on your oatmeal package? According to pew research Center, 26 percent of American adults admit to not having read even a part of a book within […]

Abandoned Factory | Written by Shreeansha Bhattarai [Offline Thinker]

Abandoned Factory I go through the hole in the fence where wires are splitting and are covered with vines and leaves. It is the only entrance to the Willow Mills; a factory located at the outskirts of the city that is not sealed. Stepping inside the compound, I can see brown leaves blanketing the lane […]

Deserted School | Written by Shreeansha Bhattarai [Offline Thinker]

Deserted School I look up and stare at the great black gate acting as the only barrier between me and the desolate school ground. As I push back the steel rods of the gate, a swift blow of air and a deafening creak greets me. Stepping into the campus, I look up to see the […]

Panchami: The Impurity Scam | Written by Shreeansha Bhattarai

Panchami: The Impurity Scam “Brr,” I agonized as the cold liquid seeped into my clothing. It was three am in the morning and I was dunking into some river far away from home. “Hundred more rounds, then you will be done.” My grandmother exclaimed from the back. Cursing, I dived into the cold water. As […]

Woes Of A Worrier | Story by Shreeansha Bhattarai [Offline Thinker] #1

–By Shreeansha Bhattarai Holding the petite little hands of Laila, I cross the majestic iron gates and step on the school campus. Scanning the surroundings, I spot a sign indicating that the first-grade orientation is in the playground. Striding across the freshly mown grass, Laila and I reach the sandpit where a handful of children […]

Can we ever feel safe again? | Shreeansha Bhattarai [Offline Thinker] #1

-Shreeansha Bhattarai Yet again, we have failed. We have failed to make someone feel safe within their neighborhood and their own homes. We have failed to foreshadow a heinous crime. But importantly, we have failed as individuals failing to educate and protect one another. Even in this 21st century, where equity is voted for, inequality […]

Shreeansha Bhattarai

You who made me who I am | Shreeansha Bhattarai

I was five when I first made my very first father’s day card. The school teacher had left the room after distributing some supplies, a piece of paper, and scribbling ‘fathers day special’ on the board. My mind shut; I started taking heavy breaths because I did not know what I could do since it […]