Stop the unmanaged disposal of non-biodegradable products
Your Support Matters; Protect our earth today for our kids tomorrow.
Waste is unwanted or unusable substances that are the byproducts of our day to day activities and needs. Waste is any substance that is discarded after primary use, some worthy of reusing and some of absolute nothing, which generally does not end up in landfills. That there “waste management” has been one of the leading factors as to why many of the species both aquatic and terrestrial have come to a critical state.
Every household has waste. Most due to the unmanaged system and pure ignorance reach to water bodies that are essential and vital for all living beings on earth. Luckily even if it reaches the waste disposal area. When it reaches there, the biodegradable and non-biodegradable products are not distinguished. Both, inflammable and flammable objects are gathered to one heap and burned. Some do, some don’t. Moreover, they produce toxic Carbon Monoxide to rob us of our oxygen thus polluting air too. Both air and water of which we as humans have absolutely no claim. As much as it is our dependence on living, it is equally vital for our children and the generation after.
Them being present in the soil not only disrupts the life cycle of plants but also hampers animals resulting in the destruction of the ecosystem altogether. Plastic taken more than 300 years to decay, similarly different toxic chemicals seep into the soil contaminating not only the outer water bodies but also the groundwater bodies. Adding to the toxicity already caused to the ground beneath us, 1.5b people rely on groundwater as drinking water solely. Thus, ignoring the matter today is simply accepting the slow death of the human population itself.
Toxic waste in the banks of the ocean to a point where aquatic life have acquired different tumors, skin disease. A significant amount of stories of whales dying of plastic ingestion and tortoises dying of plastic or straw in their nostrils are common and this shows how we as the smartest beings on earth have failed ourselves.
Moreover, significant mismanagement of waste for example by Turkey and Chile, where only 1% of waste is known to be recycled, can contribute to global warming. This means day by day we throw plastics and other tons of non-biodegradable materials into the habitats of other organisms that have nothing but destroyed their way of life and have made surviving harder.
Humans are generally and mostly affected by the chemicals that they themselves have called upon them, as they are allergic or have blood infections. Diseases prevail without proper management triggering pandemics and epidemics without question.
Waste management is our responsibility of which we benefit if we take actions as of now or we suffer if we are still able to ignore it. A butterfly fluttering its wings 900 miles away from you can cause a hurricane right where you live, thus an action you may take today might change the future of your kid’s generation and may rewrite the future of the earth.
Our ancestors treated this planet as their greatest treasure. They trusted us enough to hand over their homes to us. The planet has been nothing but a boon to us. Without Mother Earth, we would be nothing. Our children would be nothing. Our parents savored this planet for our comfort and luxury. You should preserve Earth for yours.
Even the smallest effort can make a big difference. You yourself adopting the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle will encourage your children to do the same. You make the world better for your children will place importance upon them making the world better for their children as well.
We should not forget that there’s a tomorrow that we have to build and save for.
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