A Switch Near To My Bed | Samrita Maharjan

Samrita Maharjan

The year 2020, a year of its own history. The time of break down and madden. An actor pretending to be everything one is not. Poet is in a call center, “businessman” is selling groceries, vegetables stall in momo pasal and possible stigma for survival.

And I am a pretender. I was pretending the whole time to look calm when my mind was juggled the most.

And I saw a light of hope, a switch near to my bed.
This is a story of a young girl, who thought she was enough. It is just a matter of raising her voice as she used to believe. Gradually, it is a matter of being heard, of being noticed, of being seen, and being indifferent makes her realize with time. There are numerous comments, trolls, appeals, proposals in respective desks, and guess what, she thinks “it is just a matter of raising a voice”. Like AS IF!

That was the perspective of a young girl who has no idea what life has to offer outside the valley. So pathetic is her situation that she thinks, life is a fairyland and she is an angel, with no demons inside.

Sometimes it’s just not a bad time, a day or a week but a bad year. With all the badness it carries experience, learning, and realization.

A time of lockdown has been so depressing for all of us. Though we enjoyed our time and enough with the internet, to do anything we could, it was a time of too much. To stay locked, to stay still. After a long hour of bitching in comments for the government and to post dalgona coffee, we have a trauma, people were suffering every minute for their survival, few with food, some with clothes and others with education and she, with a light.

When the government decided to process things as normal, and posting “#newnormal” with the mask on, deep down we all knew it was not the end of CORONA. We all have to deal with it as it is by keeping a visible mask outside the real mask which we have been carrying forever. Now it’s two masks!

When a crisis hits, it does not only affect the low-economic class, it hits from Ambani to Bill gates. So does to you, me, and to her.

She was called from her work placement to resume work. Investment of work from home for seven months with a precaution, as everybody she was anxious to go to school settings. (she was an educator) What would your question be if someone called to resume work? Obviously, your safety right? How is everything there? We all are aware of the data, at least we have gone to “Routine of Nepal Banda” for an update.
With clarity on his voice and surety on his tone, he said we have managed everything for you. She traveled 218.3Km, when reached, it was a room without a switch. 🙂

(The formation of a mask as two faces hit you differently when you have witnessed it. Basically, A HYPOCRITE! )

A bag, on the one hand, the other on the head, she lay down for a while. When her boss posited the statement of “everything is ready”, he meant space was ready. Who wants to volunteer to clarify her 60 years old boss, what are the essentials in a room?

A room without a switch, light, and a hole at the roof, where the wind of manager could actually make her sick and how foremost it is to be warmed especially at this time, but she fought not with him, with herself because she was enough, remember?
(Don’t push your limitation reading stupid posts from Facebook)

It didn’t scare her, it questioned her ability, her contribution, and her self-esteem. Very politely she urged, “बत्ती छैन, अनी चार्ज गर्ने ठाउँ पनि छैन”, a pretender gave an expression “लौ होर”? She felt vulnerable at that moment when she realized how people work ignorantly, irresponsibly, and can be a pretender to not know what a basic means for a human in a room.

After 2 days an electrician came,”तपाईंलाई सुती सुती चलाऊन मिल्ने गरी, स्वीच खाटको छेउमा हाल्दिन्छु”। It didn’t take her a second to be happy, with a big smile on her face,’अ! हुन्छ दाई यता है।’

(त्यही स्वित्च सँगै बसेर, यो लेख्दै छु, स्वीचको लागि आवाज उठाउनु पर्ला सपनामै सोचिन। दुई दिनसम्म के गरे त्यसको कथा छुट्टै छ। सिरिरिरिर हावा चल्दैछ माथि छानोबाट। आशा गरौँ अर्को कथासम्ममा कोठा बाहेकको केही लेख्नन सकुँ।)


-Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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Slow Poison | Samrita Maharjan



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