The battery is down to 4% | Secret Thinker

battery is down

The battery is down to 4% and I am in search of a charger.

See, the phone can be recharged but what about Life that is going darker?

I can feel the charm in breathe that is no more charmer,

Yet, the words are hopes, but air ain’t calmer.

We use phone, and we are humans

But are we rotten? Rotten enough that life is no more.

Let the phone die as you see the reality once,

What does the screen has when the world has so more.

Neither does the style of writing is same,

No pattern, no truth, and no meaning to live in.

We live in an age that is truly lame,

Nor phone has its battery but still the life is just screening.

Oh, the battery is down to 4%, must hurry to charge again.

Oh, the battery is down to 4% and I am in search of a charger again.

Oh, the battery is down to 4%, I must get a life now again.

See, the phone can be recharged but what about Life that is going darker again?

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