Susmita Phuyal

In Memoir of Him | Letter by Susmita Phuyal

Dear Sushant Singh Rajput, You may seem to be gone and lost forever for the world but still, you are as much present here and now…..however, the end has happened, it still could not change the fragrance of vibrant moments you lived through your life…..those cherishing moments made you historic till to eternity…..a rare combination […]

ती आखिरी पलहरू | कथा | सुस्मिता फुयाल

सायद अब उसँग जीवनका केहि पलहरू मात्र थिए होलान् । मृत्युसँग जुधिरहे पनि कति शान्त, सौम्य अनि धैर्य झल्किएको थियो उसको आभामण्डलमा । न त कुनै गुनासोका सुस्केराहरू थिए, न त ३०औं वसन्तको वारपारमा जीवनबाट बिदा लिनुपरेकोमा पीडा नै थिए । उसको अनुहार देख्दा लाग्छ मानौं ईश्वरै उत्रेर आएका छन् । उसलाई मृत्यु देखि डर […]

Her Journey | Poem by Susmita Phuyal |#1

–By Susmita Phuyal Perhaps it was the deepest darkwhen she started her journeyescaping from rugged old mentalities. Passing meaningless relationshipsto the unknown destinationshe dared to voyage on her own… With no lights around,fog and mist of doubt as to her friendshe headed up,voices buzzed in her earcentury-old thought choked her mind And still, she continued…..painting […]