Sajira Shrestha

Sajira Shrestha

‘याद आउछ घरको तर देशको आउदैन’ | Sajira Shrestha | Nepali Poem

खाना खाँदै थिए, आमाले भन्नु भयो ‘रमेश काकाको छोरा पनि विदेश गएछ नि।’ अस्ति भर्खर मिल्ने साथीलाई विमानस्थल पुराएर आएको म सोचेँ आज फेरी एउटा युवा विदेश उढेछ। फेसबुक खोलेर हेर्छु.. कसैको विमानस्थलमा बिदाईको फोटो, कोइ विदेशमा दु:ख गर्दा गर्दै एकछिन रमाएको फोटो, कि त कोहि आफ्ना मिल्ने मान्छेसंग अन्तिम पटक रमाइलो गरिरहेको फोटो, अनि […]

Sajira Shrestha

Nepali Poem | उसले छाडेर गएको किताब | Sajira Shrestha

उसले एकदिन आएर मेरो हातमा एउटा किताब थमायो मुसुक्क हाँस्दै, पढ्नु है भनेर गयो। त्यो गुलावी गाथा भएको किताब पहिलो पानामा लेखिएको थियो मेरी प्यारी उनीको सम्झनामा। किताबको पहिलो अंशमा थिए कविताहरु सबै उसको प्यारी उनीको बारे लेखिएको। उनको चम्किलो मुहार, उनको मधुरो हासो, उनको गाजलु आँखा र उनले गाउने भाकाहरुको बयानले भरिएको। किताबको दोस्रो […]

Sajira Shrestha

Silly Little Smiles | Sajira Shrestha | Poem

I remember when I first saw you. You were the fun one in the party. Making everyone laugh. Seeing you do your magic, Brought a little smile on my face. Then you walked towards me. I was kind of nervous, to be honest. But with every conversation, I felt alive and joy. Brought a little […]

Sajira Shrestha

When You Meet My Shadow | Sajira Shrestha

When You Meet My Shadow | Sajira Shrestha Too afraid to raise my voice, Every time you put your hands on my flesh. Thoughts about all the people run through my mind, Every time you force your lips on mine. You are the prince of my worst nightmare, A monster, a charlatan: I can never […]

Sajira Shrestha

Like A Dog’s Bite ! | Sajira Shrestha | Offline Thinker

Like A Dog’s Bite ! | Sajira Shrestha | Offline Thinker Like a dog’s bite! Down the street, you walk Pretending everything is fine. Headphones in and music on You walk slowly with a smile. Just for a moment, you think Life is great like an old wine. Few yards away, you see a dog […]

Sajira Shrestha

A Girl Who Procrastinates | Sajira Shrestha

A Girl Who Procrastinates | Sajira Shrestha How can she believe When someone says they love her eyes While she doesn’t love her own body. How can she believe When they tell her she is a goddess While she hates what’s on her mind. The doubts she has Led her nowhere. The confusions and chaos […]

New Year Resolutions

My New Year Resolution is not to make any Resolutions

My New Year Resolution is not to make any New Year Resolutions ‘Last New Year, I made some resolutions. But the very next day, I gave it away.    This year to save me from tears.  I will not make any resolutions again.’   As I was listening to ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham! on the […]

Her Thoughts |English Poem by Sajira Shrestha

A dark room, A lonely mind, searching for a way out. She is walking freely, but her mind is trapped down.   A crowded room, Still a lonely mind, searching for a way out. She is smiling but her soul is dying deep down.   Thoughts running down. wondering all the wonders. An empty room, […]