The Transformative Power of a Dog – Anushma Dhungel
2nd March 2024, this isn’t just a date; it is the dawn of the best year of my life, the beginning of “her”. Whenever I think about the day, my heart expands with gratitude and joy. I am deeply thankful to everyone who played a role in bringing her into my life.
The “her” I’m referring to is my dog, “Laika.” But she’s so much more than just a dog; she’s my younger sister, my best friend, my child, my secret keeper, and my therapist. Laika has filled my life with a kind of joy and completeness that I never knew I needed.
From the moment she entered my life, she became the brightest light in my darkness, the hot coffee in my winter, and the iced tea in my summer.
I had always heard stories about “love at first sight,” about people finding their soulmates and instantly falling in love with each other. To me, these were fantasies, beautiful but maybe unrelatable.
Everything changed when I met her.
The moment I laid eyes on Laika, it was the moment my heart whispered, “She came for you.”
It felt like it was destined; the universe had planned our meeting. She was the beat that completed my incomplete rhythm, the piece I never knew I needed to rejoin me. In her, I found the missing happiness of my life. That immediate connection I felt was the purest magic.
This might be surprising, but I feared dogs for most of my life. My fear was due to traumatic experiences that almost led me to cynophobia. The thought of getting closer to a dog used to give me anxiety.
But Laika?
She was totally different. She smashed every stigma, prejudice, and stereotype I ever had about dogs. She became the exposure therapy I didn’t know I needed. Her playfulness and innocence removed all my fears about dogs.
Laika didn’t just enter my life; she became the reason for it. Laika didn’t just change how I viewed or treated dogs, she also taught me to let go of my fears and embrace the tiny joys of life.
She transformed how I look at myself. She reassured me about her presence and helped me cope with my overthinking. From someone who once wished for a dog-free world, I’ve now become someone who dreams of a life filled with dogs around.
From fearing dogs to fearing losing Laika, I’ve experienced a drastic transformation that can hardly be expressed in words.
She’s not just my companion but my responsibility, my support, and my confidence. I’ve learned patience, empathy, and a new form of love through her.
I went from crying all night over her pain to sitting beside her, gazing at her with love and a warm smile every time she does something. With each passing day, my life has become more beautiful because of her.
Every morning, her little wagging tail reminds me that joy can be simple and pure. And every time she nuzzles close, I’m reminded that love doesn’t need words to be felt, eyes to be seen, or ears to be heard.
And every time she looks at me with those deep, soulful eyes, I feel lucky to be a part of her life. I can proudly say she came into my life to teach me unconditional love, self-healing, and transformation.
To anyone reading this who hasn’t experienced the bond between a human and a dog yet, I hope someday you do and become the happiest. It is an experience that outshines words, and it will change you in ways you can’t imagine. Laika has redefined the meaning of love, destined connection, and purpose for me.
She isn’t just a part of my life but the reason I live every day.
For that, and so much more, 2024 and all the coming years with her will always be our year, the year I learned what love truly means.
To Laika, the best part of me. Thank you for redefining my world.
-Anushma is currently doing Bachelor’s in Art in St Xavier’s College, Maitighar
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