Night Without Light

Night Without Light

Night Without Light

A night without light is entirely dark.
No one can see anyone in dark night.
To have a bright night is to continue the struggle.
No days and nights for those who are waiting for a bright night.
A night that looks very beautiful will lights and sparking.
Those who are digging the gloomy nights into bright nights are only angels in temporary world.
Digging dark nights into bright nights are the one who can power or rule all.
A night without light is like a bed without any pillow.
The one who recognized the nights without light can conqure all what they want.
No nights without small stars looks beautiful, like so no human look beautiful like struggle.
Black nights are name of nightmare, after what there will not be any nightmare in life.
A night without light tough to search what is lost.
A night without lights give courage to stand against the enemies.
History remember those nights which did not complete the dreams of dreamer.

-Written by Sahib khan

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