Loving yourself is the key component to one’s happiness. You should always cherish your life because, in the end, you are the most valuable thing that you have got.
You have seen yourself cry the tears of happiness. Have felt the mental breakdown at most absurd times. Embraced your silliness, bared with your flaws, spent sleepless nights- felt anxious. Sometimes felt blissfulness surround you, felt loved, or bad about stuff and thus no one can know you better than yourself.
No matter who was with you or not, in the end, all that matters is you went through all of the phases of life and picked yourself.
You have wiped your tears yourself and stood again even after being broken by this world numerous times. It is no one else’s job to like you but yours. Congratulate yourself for the smallest of achievements.
Adore yourself for being able to face any fears and challenges. Always be your biggest cheerleader because by loving yourself you are teaching someone an art to love you the way you want.
Do not let yourself down just because someone said you are being narcissistic. No, you are not because self-love can never be selfish and it’s a necessity.
Prioritizing Yourself
You can never love someone truly without loving yourself first or prioritizing yourself.
It will set boundaries for people to stay away from your warm soul who doesn’t deserve the precious you. We all have tried criticizing ourselves because of the plebian thought of our judgmental society. It hasn’t done anything good rather than surrounding us with the negative vibes.
So, now for a change, approve and embrace the beautiful creation you are.
Smile at your courage and love the way time has shaped you to become a strong person because perfection is found in accepting your imperfections. You have actually made a castle out of destruction this world has given you which is really applaudable in itself.
Be your biggest fan because consistency is harder and you are really putting an effort into yourself each day. You should be proud of yourself for the way you fought the silent battles alone and wiped your own tears to start another day with a smile. Celebrate your strength.
Be like a phoenix bird who rises from the ashes, reborn and stronger than before. Even if you are a glorious mess it’s still a part of you. If you focus too much on removing your flaws, you will lose an important part of your authentic self.
Because it does not matter whether you like that side of yours or not, it’s still a part of you. So, rather than feeling insecure or incompetent, accept yourself.
Loving Yourself Means Accepting Yourself
You are not in this beguiling world to get validation from others. You are here to shine in your own light with your own color. I know it’s a tough battle and a tiring one at that but start loving yourself a little more than yesterday.
Appreciate yourself a little more than you will realize the enormous worth that you have. Never let anyone destroy the peace that you have worked so hard to earn for yourself because you took yourself out of the dark on your own.
No one did that for you. Don’t waste the best version of yourself on someone who doesn’t deserve it because it will drain you in the end. Do not hesitate even a single time to cut off the people who are toxic to you and act as a catalyst to drive you to negativity.
Help yourself and get away from such negative energy. Don’t let someone take advantage of your kindness because, in the end, you might remain with nothing left for you.
Start respecting yourself that way you can stop settling for less. Because hey precious soul, you are more than your scars.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
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