Unheard Cries of A Women | Written by Srisha Poudel [Offline Thinker]

Unheard Cries of A Women

We see, hear, and talk about women being equal to men all the time. We even compare non-relatable things with equality and give it a fair, often not needed justice. We talk about our rights, yet we have to prove our worth every step. But why do we have to prove anything to anyone right?


Because people are always going to push us to the edge and still expect to come back around because we are women. They are going to support us on the face and talk about us right behind our backs because we are women. And they will expect us to be on our best behavior after all the badmouthed rubbish blabbering they do because we are women. But most importantly what they think is we will not be able to do it without the support of a man because we are “Women”.

Society has been putting women through every possible hurdle that is there. There are always going to be a bunch of people who will question the integrity, self-respect, and dignity. People are always going to pinpoint despite all of our effort, hard work, and the most correct path that we have chosen to build a better life for us.

We have seen live examples of women who are doing great in their representative fields. Let’s take an example of Malala, she has become an inspiration to women all around the world. Look at Michelle Obama, does it look like women are any less?

However, we will have no clue about who is on our side or who is just there for fun. It will all start showing up when we move out of our comfort zone and start exploring the things that are right for us.  But what will matter the most is believing in yourself. Believing in what you do and keep on trusting it. Because in the end, it’s you and only you who will matter.

Image by Anemone123


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