I wish that day would never arrive,
The day I have to say goodbye.
You have always been my strength,
My guiding light through the storm.
You taught me to grow in any soil,
To face fear with a fearless heart.
Even the earth hesitates to let you go,
But when God calls,
I will yearn to meet you again,
Just as I will for Dad.
I wish I was there when you needed me most,
I wish I could see heaven—your heaven—
And rest my head in your lap once more.
Wherever you are, mother,
Heaven is there.
You are my strength,
my great warrior,
The one who carried me,
Fought for me,
And shaped me into who I am.
Now, I swear,
I will fight for you.
Though nothing in this world lasts forever,
Though I cannot save your life,
I promise to bring peace to your soul.
I will not say goodbye, Mother.
My soul will strive to follow yours,
Just as your prayers forever guide me.
I love you more than words can hold,
More than life itself could ever show.
May the time never come,
When I must let you go.
I love you,
I will always remember you.
And may your soul find tears of joy,
As you watch over me from above.
-By Shah Nawaz Zehri
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