Talk ‘Bout Delusional Beauty Standards | Niruta Yadav

Niruta Yadav

We are all humans with diverse skin tones, bodies, and personalities, and we are all fighting on our own.

Why are we expected to conform to society’s delusional beauty standards at this time?

Each of us is struggling and experiencing all types of mental and physical breakdowns, and it is not a good idea to criticize someone for their body. Because they have no choice but to blame their existence. Can you imagine how awful it is to regret our birth or our own life or just our own existence?

“I’ll lose the weight, but what about the character that everyone else has lost in the process?”

I don’t think body-shaming is a good idea. It’s something I’ve never liked, and it’s vital to know that you’ll have dips like dows and up in your life, and you’ll never be consistent or “perfect.”

“Oh, stop, you’re not fat!” This “compliment” feels like a positive or neutral statement to most people, who are brought up believing that fat is a bad word and that being thin is an aspiration. When we say things like this, we put larger bodies in a category of “things that are bad,” “things to avoid,” “things warranting judgment.” This is known as weight stigma, and it damages people with larger bodies by making them feel scared.

So, saying someone, “You’re not fat, you’re beautiful” implying you can’t be both is a kind of body shaming.

I’ve heard this phrase before, and it’s become part of the routine for me. However, because such comments can be extremely harmful and even can spark negative ideas, feelings, and/or behaviors, we must recognize them as morally offensive. If you’ve ever felt ashamed because your body didn’t satisfy society’s unrealistic beauty standards, I apologize.

You don’t have to change anything about your physique since it’s gorgeous and unique as it is. Your body is deserving of compassion and consideration.

So be kind to yourself.


Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels


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