Offline Positivity

Little positivity every week. Share your positivity insights with us at:
competition offline thinker

Choosing the Right Field of Competition to Maximize Your Odds

  In the vast arena of life’s competitions, whether in career, entrepreneurship, or personal endeavors, the secret to maximizing your odds of success often lies not just in your skills and efforts but in choosing the right field of competition. Success is not solely about working hard; it’s about strategically positioning yourself in an environment […]

Nidesh Acharya

Over Illusions | Dessy Tsvetkova

Over illusions From the shallows of the depths, from the edges of the circle, from the roughness of the smooth water, from the invisible forms of the obvious, shall I sift out the truth? Shall I step on air bridges again? Shall I touch disembodied silhouettes? Shall I indulge in fleeting delusions, of transparent promises, […]

Book review: rich dad poor dad

Book Review: Rich Dad, Poor Dad | Robert Kiyosaki

‘RICH DAD, POOR DAD’ is one of the interesting books which is written by a famous writer Robert T. Kiyosaki. The author states how poor people remain poor and rich people become richer. But why and how? If one wants to know how to maintain a life beautifully, it is not late to pick up […]

Raunak Shah

मुक्तक | Raunak Shah

एक दिन आउछ जब, सबैको दया पनि सुक्छ काम परेको बेला यता सबैको शिर पनि झुक्छ अरुको नक्कल गर्दा गर्दै सम्पूर्ण जीवन नै बित्ला म कुनै युगमा जिउदिन, मभित्र नै एउटा युग छ ।। कर्म गर्न पछि हुनु हुँदैन, गर्नु हुन्न फलको लोभ आपरिचित भए भय लाग्छ, हुन्छ सुचितको लोभ श्री कृष्णले पनि भन्नु भएको […]

nepali poem

Nepali Poem | उड्ने फूल किरा! | Kismat Neupane

जसरी बगैंचामा फूलहरूको रङ्गीचंगीले मन लोभ्याउँछ, त्यस्तै गरी फुरुङ्ग पार्छ पुतलीहरू उडेको दृश्यले। यो फूल फुलेको मौसममा रंगिन फुलहरुको रस चुस्न थुप्रै रंगीचंगी पुतलीहरु देखा पर्छन्। त्यो बखत पुतलीहरुको हर्कत देख्दा मनका सारा दुःख हराएर मन नै आनन्दित हुने गर्छ। उडान रत्न (flying gems)को रूपमा चिनिने पुतली किरा वर्गको सामान्य रूपले हरेक ठाँउमा पाइने प्राणी […]

5 Habits to Make You Sad Quickly

5 Habits to Make You Sad Quickly. You Should Be Sad?

5 Habits to Make You Sad Quickly Everyone talks about being happy. I mean, why should you pretend to be happy if you are sad inside? Think about it! Pretending to be happy, makes you sadder. From next make sure you express the real you from both within and outside. Also, let me share with […]

7 Things Introverts Love

7 Things Introverts Love to Do- Offline Thinker

7 Things Introverts Love to Do Ever wondered how introverts enjoy their life with much exciting going in their life? It is somehow true that they don’t enjoy clubbing, and mass gathering but it is completely wrong to judge an introvert with being a nerdy and a boring being. Because, it is okay to be […]

Love yourself- Don’t rely on Facebook’s Likes | Offline Positivity

Love yourself We upload photos and stories on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. And we get upset to find that our post didn’t get 100 likes. Why? Judging yourself on the basis of likes and reactions doesn’t make you prettier. Fewer likes don’t prove you’re ugly. More likes and comment doesn’t make you popular […]