The Quest of Social Acceptance: LGBTIQ | Shuruchi Uprety


Shuruchi Uprety 

We often encounter the debate of LGBTIQ, the denial of their existence, some acceptances summed up by relentless critiques are often confronted.

But still, anyone’s denial or acceptance doesn’t end their peculiarity. Their peculiarity is unequivocally beauteous.

The existence of LGBTIQs in society is debatable, their existence is often questioned and sometimes disgraceful comments are passed on to their sexuality without any realization.

We and they (LGBTIQs) reside in the same society, we as straights are free to exercise the very right of ours without any question of anyone, and also we can raise our voice against any hindrance or obstruction to our identity.

Society’s attitude towards them is not appropriate. They are not seen normally. Moreover, they are not treated normally. People often use inappropriate terms for them.

Article 16 of the constitution of Nepal 2072, has given every citizen the right to live with dignity but society derogates LGBTIQs. Their gender is termed as ‘third gender’ and not as ‘special gender’.

In January this year, 15 people of this gender were severely beaten by police without any reason. They are still in threat.

Society is not accepting them as they are because as per the way this society is constructed one should be attracted towards the people of opposing sex.

They are not allowed to be themselves. They are not allowed to live as free as normal males and females.

Their lives as gay, lesbian, transgender, bi-sexual are terribly difficult in this society with the conservative mindset. The maximum number of people who reside in our society strongly denies the concept of LGBTIQ.

Here, in this society both straight males and females are equally benefited with their rights and both male and female live in the society with their socially accepted identity, but why LGBTIQs are socially deprived of this?

Society needs to understand that nature not only created the gender male and female, the homosexuals, bisexuals too are the creation of nature.

They too belong to the same nature, same society, same earth as others live in but because of an exceptional gender they are harshly unaccepted. They aren’t given the environment to embrace the reality of theirs.

In this conservative and primitive society, a gay is forced to marry a girl and a lesbian is forcefully married to a male. When their attraction is opposite to what society compels them to be, how can they continue a happy and healthy conjugal life? Society is just shadowing their spirit.

Society says how will the generation continue if everybody is homosexuals, trans-genders but here, they are just countable. This planet already has enough population of straight males and females to continue the generation.

The few numbers of people who belong to the LGBTIQ community will not become a hindrance to the continuation of the human race.

Whenever a homosexual couple is seen, whenever people accept their sexuality people including the intellectual ones also make fun out of them. They criticize them for their sexuality.

Also when someone speaks for the rights of the LGBTIQ community, people question their sexuality too. For supporting the freedom and rights of LGBTIQ, it is not necessary to be one of them.

You support because you respect and accept the originality of another ‘Human Being.’

Even our religious texts and scriptures mention the existence of them as ‘Kinnar’ and ‘Kinnari’. They existed earlier, they exist today and will exist tomorrow also.

This is nature. This is Natural. So, why cannot one ‘Human’ be conscious about the rights of another ‘Human’?

Nepal has progressive laws regarding this concept but people do not duly accept this. In 2007 the Supreme Court of Nepal accepted them as natural persons. But when will this society accept them?

We have a very conservative society based on religious and cultural grounds which doesn’t allow males to have relations with males and also it doesn’t allow females to have relations with females. Also, a feminine male becomes a hot topic for gossip.

The law says no one should be discriminated against on any grounds but society by not accepting them as natural beings is violating laws because the law of Nepal has already identified them as natural beings.

They equally deserve the same freely breeding environment as others in the society.

Why the unacceptance of their sexuality when they are also humans. They deserve respect, love, and also social acceptance. People do not usually talk about the rights of the LGBTIQ community.

The stereotype still prevails in society. They are stigmatized which isn’t a good thing. When will society learn to accept and respect the LGBTIQ community like they accept heterosexuality?

Those who belong to the LGBTIQ community too are equally humans as others are. They must be appreciated for their uniqueness. They should be supported morally and socially.

The social un-acceptance leads to depression and various other threats. When society doesn’t accept them they may feel like they are doing some sort of wrongdoings.

We must create a society where all the people regardless of their sexual orientation can breed freely without any fear. They should get the due response of people, they should be respected, they must be supported, cared for, and loved.

Everyone in society should accept and respect the existence of LGBTIQs. If it is accepted socially people personally recognize and accept themselves as the way they are.

We as a society fail when we do not accept another peculiar human being. My support or anyone’s denial will not end their existence. They will continue to exist and when they exist, who are we to curtail their rights, and who are we to shadow their identity?

(Author is Studying in Kathmandu school of law)


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

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