Burn your fats with these easy 5 home workouts | Article by Avash Khatiwada

Burn your fats

We are all bounded to stay at home during this lock-down time period. No morning walks, no gym, no cycling, no swimming and no spa.

Is it possible to stay fit and wealthy without use of highly qualified equipment and trainers? Yes, we can definitely make a daily basis home workout schedule and keep our body fit and strong staying at home.

As we are advised to self-isolate ourselves and practice ‘social distancing’, home workouts are the best option to keep the blood circulating and to make the muscles tight.

We all know that health is wealth. And to maintain our body strength and energy level high, can’t we get up 15 minutes earlier and push ourselves into some series of exercise? Of course, we can and we must. Basic exercise is a must routine that we have to apply in our life for a better lifestyle.

We don’t need heavy equipment to work out from home.  A series of simple exercise will make you feel energized and it is highly sure that, taking your first steps towards fitness needn’t be daunting.

There are some easy and quick exercises to improve your strength, explosiveness and athletic ability. Have a look and follow those exercises that will definitely make you fit and active without leaving your house. Enjoy the training.

  1. Skipping:

It may sound like a childish exercise for some people but this is one of the most efficient form of cardio. Some researcher found that skipping 10 minutes a day is similar to 30 minutes of jogging. Skipping is a very easy and recommended exercises to start your training with.

How to do it?

We are all familiar with this. A proper technique of skipping is to grab the rope at both its ends. Swing the ropes around your body circling your wrist round and round. Jumping every time the rope is about to hit the ground and pass the ropes under your legs. An easy but effective exercise you can start your day with.


  1. Squat:

Squats can be considered as an all rounded excellent exercise and is one of the best exercise to build overall body strength. You can use low weight dumbbells (only if available) and focus on techniques and your range of movement.

How to do it?

Stand straight and position your legs shoulder width apart. Keeping your head up and back straight. Slowly move your body downwards into the squat. You can parallel your hands straight or keep then on your hips firmly. Also don’t forget to keep your knees over your toes and chest out. Move your body down, till your legs are parallel to the ground and return to the starting position. Don’t forget to breathe while exercising.


  1. Burpee:

When it comes to burning calories burpees cannot be skipped. You can fry your thick fats with no equipment staying inside a room doing burpees. To get better results, set yourself a daily challenge and make a home workout routine to ramp up your heart rate burning unnecessary fats doing these simple exercises.

How to do it?

Stand with wide knees and jump. Land softly into a squat. Then place your hands down with your knees wider than your elbows and form a push-up position and jump your knees to the outsides of your elbows. Stand upright and repeat.


  1. Plank:

Planks are perfect exercise to train your core stomach parts helping you build a flat stomach with six-packs. As easy as it sounds, it can be tough exercise for beginners. Slowly increase your set of repetition as you indulge yourself in home workout sessions.

How to do it?

Get in a push-up position. Rest your hands on your forearms. Straighten your back and hold yourself in that position as much as you can. The more you hold, your abs will tense equally making them stronger ever time. It also help strengthen your glute muscles.


  1. Crunch:

Crunches are the best exercises to train your abs-muscle. As you loft your legs up, you tense your stomach muscles and this will work to get a slimmer belly. It will assist you in training your strength ability.

How to do it?

To do crunch you have to lie on the your mat with straight back. Bent your knees at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on back of your head. Raise your upper body towards towards knees lifting your body a few inches above the floor. Bring your knees closer to your elbow letting them touch each other. This will tense your stomach muscles and help your burn more calories. Relax to starting position and start again. You can also try touching elbow to knees like in picture.


  1. Pushups:

Also considered as a press-ups, pushup uses multiple muscle groups for the maximum growth and strengthens your shoulder joints. It is popular exercise that can be done anywhere from home or in park or anywhere. Pushups helps you strengthen your muscular powers and is simple yet very effective exercise for all.

How to do it?

Get down into a push-up position with your hands placed shoulder-width apart. Straight your back and body. Now slowly lower your body towards the ground. Stop as you are close touching the ground and push your body upwards to starting position. That is one repetition.


All these series of exercises will helps you building an overall muscle growth and will also boost your calories. Always follow a healthy balanced diet during your workout routine.

You can start slow but increase repetition as days go by. You can do each exercise for 15 reps*4 sets and pump up real fast. Repeat each exercises three to four times a week.

Rest is equally necessary. You should sleep minimum of 8 hours a day to see quick results. Staying at home for a prolonged period of time may prove difficult, so exercise to keep your body fit and strong.

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