The Art of Self-Acceptance | Aakash Baniya

Aakash Baniya

The Art of Self-acceptance | Aakash Baniya

Do you accept yourself?  Do you accept who you are?
When I ask these questions, people respond ‘Yes’. But when I modify the questions and ask if they like their skin-one, if they are happy with their height, their expression changes.
Self-acceptance is not going to happen overnight. It takes substantial work and remarkable dedication.
Learning to accept oneself will help one to achieve the life one wants. It will change the way you admire yourself. Every one of us has difficulty accepting ourselves wholeheartedly.
However, there are strategies and methods to uplift your self-acceptance.
Self-acceptance is the process of accepting oneself. It connects you to yourself and to be yourself no matter how others judge you. It enables your true potential and gives you courage, beauty, and strength.

1. Stop Acting Perfect

As human beings, we inevitably make mistakes. It doesn’t mean you are looser. You are imperfect and it’s okay. Just accept your feeling. Spread cheerfulness and happiness to a beautiful life.
Believing that you must be perfect is one of the massive impediments to self-acceptance. What others see will not determine how you are.
So, step number one- Stop Acting Perfect.

2. End Comparing Yourself

Sneha Jha

One reason why the journey of self-acceptance becomes challenging is that you compare with others constantly.
If you look into your mind of what we consider yourselves to be normally there is a different level of negatives vibes roaming around you. Be who you are. You don’t need to be the way others wish you to be. If they are good at something and you are not, praise their greatness and try to crack the secret of their greatness. Don’t sit in the corner and be sad comparing yourself with others for being good or pretty.

3.Overcome The Fear Of Being Judged

Firstly don’t give people the privileges to decide if you are sad, happy, fearful or hopeless.
The only belief that matters is what you think of yourself. Everyone else is irrelevant.
There is only one judge and that’s you. Judge yourself. Judge how good you are and much greatness you can achieve. It’s only your judgment that that counts.
And if others judge you, let them judge you. Don’t let their opinion decide who you become or how you behave.
Tell them to ‘Mind their own business and focus on your growth solely.

4. Love yourself

loving yourself

Loving yourself means understanding what gives rise to your soul. Doing things you love is self-love. It means caring own’s needs.
Each one of us has a specific ability. We need to self-accept this face and work on our strengths.
Until and unless you respect yourself, nobody can make you happy.
Be yourself! Accept yourself! And Grow yourself to be a better human being.
Cover Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
(Aakash Baniya is interested in adventures, Social works, Cycling, Photography, and writing)

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