Fame a scar on name | K.S. Subramanian

K.S. Subramanian

Fame a scar on name

‘Work is its own reward’ – so spoke

scions in the eons of time;

Some made a name, others took

anonymity as no scar on their plume.


Fame perhaps a curse on name,

its scars leaving a dull pain,

the world deaf to your cries

heckling at hopes in your domain.


But the scions stuck to their edifice,

a gut feeling with seeds of life;

All sneer and scorn midwife of a

dying order, emitting its last sighs.


Knowing a trapdoor to anguish.

Can it keep the doer on a leash?

-K.S. Subramanian

Read More From  K.S. Subramanian:

Eyeing Mars | By KS Subramanian


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KS Subramanian has two volumes of poetry Ragpickers and Treading on gnarled sand published by the Writers Workshop, Kolkata. His short stories have appeared in several web sites. He is a retired Asst. Editor from The Hindu.


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